Listen Live* to IHS Catholic Radio Network
Through authentic Catholic radio programming we evangelize with a message of the Father’s love.
* Please note: IHS Catholic Radio Network is live from 4-6pm EST, Monday through Friday.
We recently learned that the streaming links were no longer working for certain browsers. If you are having difficulty with the links, you can listen live via the WTMR website,
Start Streaming IHS Catholic Radio Now!
Click on the appropriate link below to begin streaming on your device.
iPhone Users: Add the stream to you home screen:
- Open Safari (built-in iPhone app to access the internet)
- Click on Winamp link above
- Now click on the arrow pointing up at the bottom of your screen
- You should now see options like Mail, Message, etc. Tap the “Add to Home Scren” button
- The next screen will show a box with “Favorites”. Backspace to clear the box and enter IHS and then click on “Add” in the upper right hand corner.
- You should now see an IHS app on your screen. Tap the app, then tap the play icon and you will be listening to In His Sign.
Note: there is a slight delay between the audio linked on this page and the live broadcast. * You can also use this information to listen 24 hours a day to other Catholic content when we are not live on the air.
If you have another type of device and can provide instructions to set up an easy connection, please contact us!
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