Peace I Leave You, My Peace I Give You

This is a profound statement Jesus makes to His disciples. During His last meal with His apostles, Jesus was truly present as they knew Him and recognized Him in the flesh. He institutes the Holy Eucharist in spite of the betrayal of Judas, Peter’s denial, and the abandonment of His disciples, all of which He knew would come to pass.
Yet, He so loved us that he made a way to “stay with us”. For in the Upper Room where they gathered in fear, anxiety, doubt, and amidst dashed hopes, Jesus comes through the locked doors. He breathes the breath of God onto them to give them His peace. This peace will vanquish fear, anxiety, doubt and hopelessness. Then Jesus does an amazing thing indeed. He breathes on them again and confers the gift of priesthood on them. They are now priests forever. Through the institution of the priesthood from Jesus to them, they are consecrated in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist by the power of the Holy Spirit. So it continues today, through the priesthood, Jesus will “stay with us” until He comes in glory.
Jesus stays with us. He is present, really present, in mind, body, soul and divinity. He feeds us and nourishes us so we will not “collapse” on the way to our own eternal life with Him.
When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, may our response be…stay with us Lord.