Remember When…

When I was growing up, television was the new thing. We had the first television on the block and everyone would come over to our house and sit and watch this small box in amazement. The memories of those days are warm and nostalgic. I had a favorite TV show called, I Remember Mama. I still remember the sponsor…Maxwell House Coffee and the advertising jingle. I will forever remember that Maxwell House Coffee is good to the last drop. What an impression those jingles and programs made on me. I remember Brill Cream, a little dab’ll do ya and Buster Brown who lived in a shoe and his dog Tige, he lives in there too. I could go on and on with every jingle and sponsor of each TV program. They indeed made a lasting impression. Speaking of lasting impressions, take a walk down memory lane with me.
Recently, several of my grandchildren made their First Holy Communion and reminisce I did. Watching my granddaughters in their beautiful white dresses looking like little brides of Christ and my grandson in his blue blazer and white pants and tie looking handsome and holy filled me with love and joy.
I was drawn back in time reminiscing, remembering when my own children received their First Holy Communion. Where have all the years gone? But the memories linger on! Those feelings of pride and joy that parents feel seeing their own children walk down the aisle to receive Jesus into their hearts for the very first time is really awe inspiring. This brings me to my own First Holy Communion. Talk about lasting impressions…a mystical moment captured in time.
I was headstrong and independent and as my dad told me…a free spirit like no other. When he said that, he was not saying it in a complimentary way. He often asked out of frustration, where did you come from? So it is no wonder that at my First Holy Communion, I was in trepidation. Could this holy God, this good God live in me? I mean really come into my heart and stay with me. Well I was about to find out and experience for the very first time in my life the awesomeness of God. After so much preparation and expectation, I was a little put out. This is it? The host took a long time to dissolve. I did not like the taste and could not chew it. I had to wait to swallow the host. Back in the pew as I knelt down with my eyes closed tightly I asked, are you God and are you really inside me now? I received what I call a “wow” moment that left God’s imprint on my heart forever. I received the answer to my question of are you God and are you really inside me now…I AM! A voice I knew without a doubt was God, my Jesus, loved me and was really living in me!