Oct 19, 2016

The Joy in Suffering

Reflections from In the Silence of My Heart by Anne M. McGlone

“I tell you this night that I am with you always, ever present.   You are never alone in times of discourse, in times of trouble, in times of loss, in times of grief.  I am with you.  I see the heartache that you bear.  I see the confusion that you have.   You are perplexed over many things.  I am with you…I AM!  (In the Silence of My Heart, Volume 4, page 35)

God cannot give His authority and power to those who do not accept His will.  Can you take a baby step today dear friend?  Regardless of your situation, financially, spiritually, emotionally or intellectually the Lord is extending His merciful heart to you at this moment.


In the words of St. Therese Lisieux, “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned outward toward heaven.  It is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.”

Trials?  How often do we want to run from our trials, myself included?  Surely the Lord couldn’t possibly love me to allow this trial or suffering.  St. Therese continues, “Nothing gives me such ‘little joys’ as ‘little crosses.”  I know of no ecstasy to which I do not prefer sacrifice.  There I find my happiness and there alone…When we expect nothing but suffering, then the least joy is a surprise, and later the suffering itself becomes the greatest of all joys, when we seek it as a precious treasure.”

Four years ago in the Sacrament of Confession with a local priest I shared a recent medical diagnosis with him. “I’m so scared Father, ” I cried.  He then gently shared that he was dying from melanoma and, once he was given the terminal diagnosis, he entered into such a period of joy; so much so, that he stated, “this is the happiest I’ve been in my life.”  I remember crying for him and I was so honored to be at his last Mass on earth in a local parish, when he stumbled over words.  How could this beautiful priest share his suffering was the happiest moment of his priesthood?

Simply stated, he entered into the reality of the Cross with Jesus.

Is it possible Lord for me to embrace suffering with such joy?  “If you wish to know joy and love suffering, you are really seeking your own consolation, because once we love, all suffering disappears.  Here I find but one joy, that of suffering; and this joy, which is not one of sense, is above all joy,” wrote St. Therese.

The words given to Kathleen McCarthy, In the Silence of My Heart, reiterate the writings of so many saints, present and past.  “There are no hopeless cases,” as shared by the Lord to Kathleen.

Reflect on this simple blog today; what is the Lord saying to you?  Expect an answer!